I find the etchings somewhat entertaining. There are some pretty harsh ones and some funny ones but then there are lovely sentimental ones too. When I was little, along with my siblings, our parents put our hand prints and names in the cement walkway between our two back yards. I’ve really grown to appreciate the thoughtfulness of our parents to memorialize our youth “forever” in the backyard. This gesture doesn’t fall into the destructive concept of this project because it’s in the privacy of our home but there are images seen here that follow this memorialization but seen on the public sidewalks or driveways.
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Love Birds - Part I
Besides the beautiful nature at Will Rogers you can come across trees with initials and other designs etched into the trunks. I guess these love birds needed to put their initials into the trees on the way up to Inspiration Point — since there are no trees up there.

Love Birds - Part II
These might be just initials but it could be a couple memorializing their love.

Engraved Initials - Part III
A good friend took me to an interesting place to eat in Santa Barbara, up in the mountains called Cold Spring Tavern. It use to be a way station for transporting passengers over the pass but is now a quaint eatery. One of the trees near by was littered with initials of perhaps people who used this location for which it was built — most likely it’s from people of this generation.

This reminds me of a ranchers brand on their livestock.

I heart U
Found this on the trees outside a grocery store.

Love Birds - Part III
Besides the beautiful nature at Will Rogers you can come across trees with initials and other designs etched into the trunks. I guess these love birds needed to put their initials into the trees on the way up to Inspiration Point — since there are no trees up there.

Engraved Initials - Part II
A good friend took me to an interesting place to eat in Santa Barbara, up in the mountains called Cold Spring Tavern. It use to be a way station for transporting passengers over the pass but is now a quaint eatery. One of the trees near by was littered with initials of perhaps people who used this location for which it was built — most likely it’s from people of this generation.

Looks like Jarden had some other ambitions for engraving in the tree but settled on just his name.

Chaos Engravings
Just in-front of an auto repair shop. Did this poor tree get tagged by waiting patrons?

Flower for Society
Finally something more positive and universal, not just someones name or initials. What a nice way to cheer up the day.

One Step ...
Is this the foot print of the cement layer, a passer by, a resident? Who is this person?

Engraved Initials - Part I
A good friend took me to an interesting place to eat in Santa Barbara, up in the mountains called Cold Spring Tavern. It use to be a way station for transporting passengers over the pass but is now a quaint eatery. One of the trees near by was littered with initials of perhaps people who used this location for which it was built — most likely it’s from people of this generation.

This slab of cement was popular for putting your name or signature.

Hodge Podge
Perplexing etchings – I don’t get it.

When my niece was very young, her and I engraved her initials into a tree we have in the backyard so we can see what happens as the tree grows. It’s been many, many years and it pretty much looks the same today as it did when we first carved it. We thought maybe the initials would elongate but so far it hasn’t.

Hand Print
My parents were thoughtful enough to put mine and my siblings hand prints in the walkway in their backyard.

Just outside a small convenience store is this engraving. I wonder if it’s the owners or some memorial.

Leo and Don
Not that I’ve ever seen a line waiting out the door to Don Antonio’s but maybe Leo was bored waiting to get a seat.