What is Man’s Evidence?
Through the years of traveling domestically and abroad, I get to see how societies of different cultures give respect to their community. With the environment changing, all of us around the world are making the effort to be more conscience of recycling, more energy efficient and living a cleaner life but have we started to look at the purposeful defacement of the things around us and what it also means?
Is it to intentionally destroy or is it a free way to market yourself, a product, or make a statement at the expense of nature, the community or property owners? It can also be a way to mark “my territory”. There are stickers everywhere you look. Some are amusing, some elicit emotions. What do you see in your community?

There is no lack of opportunity to demonstrate this destructive behavior. On one day, there’s nothing and the next, graffiti or stickers. Why is it that we feel the need to “tag” everything around us? Are they doing it as a free form of advertising for their business or band? And what is that saying about your morals and standards as a businessperson?
I find the etchings somewhat entertaining. There are some pretty harsh ones and some funny ones but then there are lovely sentimental ones too. When I was little, along with my siblings, our parents put our hand prints and names in the cement walkway between our two back yards. I’ve really grown to appreciate the thoughtfulness of our parents to memorialize our youth “forever” in the backyard. This gesture doesn’t fall into the destructive concept of this project because it’s in the privacy of our home but there are images seen here that follow this memorialization but seen on the public sidewalks or driveways.