There is no lack of opportunity to demonstrate this destructive behavior. On one day, there’s nothing (or graffiti and stickers removed) and the next, new graffiti or stickers. Why is it that they feel the need to “tag” everything around us? Do they not get enough attention at home, work or school? Are they doing it as a free form of advertising for their business or band? And what is that saying about your morals and standards as a businessperson?
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Nothing is Safe
I’ve been spending time just looking down for evidence and it’s even found in the most inconspicuous places.

Water Burea
These covers are very popular. Are these names or messages?

False Pie
Telephone pole conduit is a popular tagging spot too.

Innocent Bystander
There has been construction going on for some time on this building near my house. During that time, as usual, they put up a wall to block the dust and noise and uglyness during this time This is just fodder for taggers. Well, they just couldn’t leave nature alone and tagged it too.

Tagging Fame
I quite often see tagging on the man hole covers as I’m walking my dog.

S13 Everywhere
The very next day after taking this picture, the wall was painted white again. Two days later when I went by, it was tagged again by Sotel.

What is Written
Wow! Someone must be mad at the person in the house this is in front of or perhaps this random corner was used to let out some aggression.

Hopefully the ones intended for this message can read and understand it because I certainly don’t.

Just Love
One of the few happy sentiments. When I was taking this picture, a guy walked by me and said he just took a picture of the same thing the day before. Must be a popular tag.

Nosy Brick
With your donation, you get a brick to tag!

A favorite spot to put a name or message.

Stop Tagging
How appropriate for the tagger to let us know what we already feel. Stop tagging!!

Going Down
ZOC it like it’s hot!

Keep Out Taggers
Even the dog isn’t a deterrence to the taggers.

Tennis Anyone?
Can’t make out what this is saying. What is the point of tagging if one cannot read it. If you know, you know!

Seriously, what is wrong with the “kids” today? Why must they tag every little thing? Do they think that their rivals are looking that low to the ground … and would they care? Or are they doing it to see how long it would take the owners to see it and paint over it? I just don’t get it.

Government Graffitti
Boy! This is the most markings I’ve ever seen by city personnel on the street. I have no idea what this is telling them but I worry what they are going to do because this is a busy street. If they plan to rip this street up, the traffic in this area is going to be horrendous!

I don’t know what the letters represent but they’ve been there for years.

S13 Strikes Again
The Sotel gang’s tags are pretty noticeable now in my neighborhood, scary! There’s been walls that had the tag painted over and now have been tagged again! “S13” shows up on gas pumps, signs, benches, walls, you name it, they tag it.

Looks like the word “caught” but they realized they missed the “a” and put it above. An homage to where they were arrested?

Tagging on windows is not often seen. This one, you actually do not see it very much unless you are at the right angle. A message to a rival that it’s about to get serious?

Cover Up
An attempt to cover up what someone scribbled on their wall.

What's Not to Love
This is the backside of a building that looks like it could be abandoned or it’s going through some major renovation.

Clown Skull
What an image to see as you step out the back door of your house. Are there children living there? This is why kids are afraid of clowns.

Soor or Poor
At least they didn’t tag the entire mirror so it becomes useless.

Rusty Meter
An alien life form left us a message. What can it mean?

The Vanishing - II
Here it is again – not vanishing but appearing!
What is the message about “false levels”?

Phone Booth
Public phones are rare these days since the majority of the people have cell phones. That leaves the old phones targets for vandalism.

Another set of initials that I have no idea what they stand for. When we were younger we put them in cement … in our own backyards. But I like the ring to Nezber. I might name my next pet Nezber.

Private Skull
Part of the problem of having property with an alley at Venice Beach is you are subject to this destruction.

The word on the left reminds me of one of my favorite comic characters – Satchel from Get Fuzzy.

Wrong Way Sotel
Sotel is the local gang. I didn’t think they were around anymore but I see them tagging new things every day.

Moving Tags
I see this truck whenever I go to the gas station in this area. It’s a good idea to let them tag the truck instead of the brick wall, which would be hard to remove paint from.

Put up a sign ... and they will come
This business just can’t catch a break. They tagged every sign on this business.

When I saw this paint splatter on the street, I immediately thought of Kanji characters. I don’t know Kanji but a long time ago, there was a website that helped you narrow down the characters until you found the one you were looking for. Some day I’ll try to figure out this character.

Luv to Marcy
Someone is loved! Painted in-front of a bus stop on Pico Boulevard.

Robo Botz
I must say this was the most colorful use of graffiti I’ve seen on the side of this section of the freeway. It was there for a couple of weeks and I managed to take some pictures before it was removed.

Is it a message that “zombies” are coming?
Another inconspicuous place.